Our Team at Gridfuse

We are a small team working to make a big difference to the world of renewable energy.

A diverse bunch of technologists, developers and energy market experts, we have a combined 70+ years of experience in energy and tech, and we’re excited to be leading a charge to empower renewables for a more greener, cleaner, smarter future.

A team currently based in Leipzig, Germany, but one that is building technology to operate on every corner of the planet.

Our Team at Gridfuse

Our Values

Life is short, so make an impact.

Building the next webshop while our earth is burning doesn’t feel right. We are here to power the renewable revolution. This is our daily motivation.

Real power comes from trusting relationships.

We don’t believe in egos, hierarchies or power trips. We all get ahead by working together.

Empower yourself and empower your teammates.

We all have a stake in each other’s success. That is why we encourage each other to be a self-starter taking responsibility and investing in personal and team growth.

Deliver fast, design for resilience.

As the world moves, we build to move with it. Having the customer view in mind we want to build a resilient system that allows us to deliver and adapt in the fastest possible way.

Our Values

Our Team


Gridfuse team member portrait

Florian Sommer

Product Manager

Spends more than 75000min/year on Spotify. Most time with indie rock.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Konrad Wolf

Managing Director

Manager and software architect at heart. Sci-fi fan, pixel art lover, and (rookie) cold water surfer. Ready to shift the balance of power to renewables.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Lisa Kern

People & Culture Manager

Non-techie who likes to understand what techies are passionate about. Has a weird obsession with true crime, spicy food and never goes a day without listening to music.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Markus Riemer

Engineering Manager

Loves developing things. Software, Home Automation, DIY Craftsmanship and Music.


Gridfuse team member portrait

Irina Palade

Product Manager

Passionate about creating useful products alongside great teams. Always happy to play escape room, read science fiction and plan humanity's brighter and kinder future.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Svenja Kruse

Product Manager

Would be a dolphin in a world of animals.


Gridfuse team member portrait

Alexander Carls

Senior Software Engineer

Spends more time with dogs than humans. Is more nature-focused.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Edwin Knese-Krause

DevOps Engineer

Enthusiastic DevOps Engineer, who loves building new automations in Kubernetes, Ansible even at home with HomeAssistant. After work and sports he's recharging his energy in a DIY Smart-Home Cinema with 350+ Blu-Rays.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Jakob Runge

Senior Software Engineer

Enjoys daydreaming, long walks and chaos. In a happy place when sharing confusion with his peers.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Jörg Werner

Senior Software Engineer

Passionate software developer, loves to solve problems and build cool things, like LEGO.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Jonathan Romahn

DevOps Engineer

Enjoys building all kinds of things, software, DIY furniture, a tiny house... and coming up with elegant solutions in the process. Also very passionate about spaceflight and rockets. Will one day have a sheep farm.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Kevin Hübner

Senior Software Engineer

Loves board games, noisy music and pair programming with his cat Chico. Also a connaisseur of dad jokes.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Leonard Hacker

Junior Software Engineer

A curious mind who likes to explore new paths and big datasets. Also huge fan of going to the cinema.

Gridfuse team member portrait

Varun Jayaraman

Senior Software Engineer

Fan of all things fermented. Puts chili oil on his ice cream. Loves running, cycling, and sundials. Huge fan of foxes but probably relates to squirrels more.

Our Team


Gridfuse GmbH
Augustusplatz 1-4
04109 Leipzig